How to travel to Goa by Train - Fares and Timings . . .
Goa being probably the number one destination for tourists arriving in India from across the world, how to get to Goa from within India is a choice
many tourists have to decide. Since the bulk of foreign tourists arrive in Delhi or Mumbai, lets look at some of the options on how to travel to Goa.
Their are three main options for tourists to travel within India. Tourists can fly, take the train or travel by bus. The distance from Delhi to Goa is 1910
kilometers (1187 miles) hence the option to travel by bus to Goa is not practical. On the other hand, travel to Goa from Mumbai is quite popular, the
distance between Mumbai and Goa is 593 kilometers (368 miles).
Information on timings, prices of train travel to Goa are discussed on this page. At the end of the page you will find a link to the next page, where
information on flights and bus travel to Goa is provided.
How to reach Goa from Delhi by Train
In case you do a search on the Indian railways list of trains to Goa and are unable to find a listing for Goa railway station, the Goa railway stations
are Madgaon or Margao and Vasco da Gama railway station.
Trains from Delhi to Goa are:
Goa Express, train number 12780 leaves Nizamuddin Station in Delhi at 3:05 pm every day and arrives in Goa at the Madgaon, Goa station at 5:40
am and Vasco Da Gama railway station in Goa on the third day at 6:30 am. Two nights are spent on the train for this journey.
Traveling on Goa Express train, can get a tiring for many tourists. This train does not have a first class, second class air-conditioned sleeper seat
currently (April 2012) costs Rupees 1435.
Fastest train from Delhi to Goa
The fastest way to travel to Goa from Delhi by train is to take the Goa Sampark (Smprk) Express train number 12450. This train also leaves Delhi
from Nizamuddin Station, departure time is 7:25 an and arrival in Goa at the Madgaon station is at 1:15 pm the next day. Travel time on this train is
about 30 hours compared to 39 plus hours on the Goa Express train.
The first class air-conditioned sleeper seat on this train costs Rupees 3900. The second class fare is Rupees 2245.
Traveling from Mumbai to Goa by train
The fastest train travel time from Mumbai to Goa is called the Jan Shatabdi train number 12051.
I mention the train numbers along with the train names, as tourists need to fill in the train numbers when making reservations for train travel in
India. Identifying trains by train number is a better way, as names can cause confusion. For example the Rajdhani Express travels between several
stations and routes. To identify a particular route of a train, the train number is important.
The total train travel time between Mumbai and Goa when travelling on the Jan Shatabdi train is 9 hours. The Jan Shatabdi train # 12051 leaves
Mumbai Central (CST) station at 5:10 am and arrives at Madgaon Station in Goa at 2:10 pm. The timing for this train is also perfect and the route is
scenic. This train runs seven days a week.
The air-conditioned chair car price currently is Rupees 680 for this train. As this is a short day time journey, this train does not have sleeper berths.
For More Information on Travel India Smart on Traveling to Goa use the links below:
Travel from Mumbai to Goa by Bus - Timings, Ticket prices . . .
Travel from Mumbai to Goa by Air - Timings, Ticket prices and more . . .
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